EEI 2021 Global Electrification Forum, Part 1


Destination 2050

Fortnightly Magazine - May 2021
Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

EEI's Fifth Annual Global Electrification Forum, Destination 2050: Pathways, Inflections, Crossroads, Convergence is an epic, two-week, international coming together, which is so massive, PUF is bringing it to you in two parts.

This virtual Forum is the annual flagship event of EEI's International Programs, convening leaders from around the world to explore critical issues and megatrends shaping the global electricity industry. It is indeed special, as seen by the distinction of the speakers as the Global Electrification Forum celebrates its fifth anniversary.

Over the course of two weeks, between April 12 through April 23 you were provided the opportunity to listen in on the best and brightest from around the world. PUF highlights a portion here, with more to come in June. 

EEI Global Electrification Forum articles: