The Energy Transition


Not Taking Detours

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2020
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In the past decade, we have witnessed significant transformation unfold in the energy sector. Today's energy system is cleaner, more distributed, increasingly mobile — with more electric vehicles connecting to the grid — and more intelligent. At Guidehouse, we call this the Energy Cloud.

The pace of the energy transition is accelerating globally, and the main drivers behind this acceleration appear unstoppable.

Decarbonization and Resiliency

The world has made the decision to address climate change and decarbonize our economies, with most of the U.S. population now agreeing. Stakeholders at all levels of government
and private sector are aligning around decarbonization goals and pathways.

In the short term, the number of natural disasters, their impact on the grid, and the cost to our economies will continue to increase. Immediate action is required to address the resiliency of our energy system through adaptation planning, on top of hardening and preparedness measures.

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