Kjellander Paintings in Motion



Fortnightly Magazine - October 2020

Commissioner Paul Kjellander presides over the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. He’s the first vice president of NARUC. And, he’s an accomplished painter. We know this because Commissioner Kjellander painted the covers of the July and August issues of Public Utilities Fortnightly and before that, a two-page feature in the May issue. Which does make us wonder what he was up to in June.

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The Commissioner keeps both the cases on his regulatory calendar and his artistic compositions coming. Now, he has created cool videos of his paintings for the May, July, and August issues of PUF, in different stages of their completion, accompanied by musical soundtracks. No kidding. They’re awesome.

The July cover painting comes together before your eyes while in the background “Sparkling Piano Relaxation” by Raimond Lap is playing.



The August cover painting comes together while “Happy Whistling” by Vernon is playing.


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And, the May feature painting has “Life’s Been Good’’ by Joe Walsh.