Send in your selfie for September's PUF.
These are indeed masked times. Many of us have experimented with different mask looks, some stylish, and some decidedly not.
As part of Public Utilities Fortnightly's "coverage" of utilities and utility regulation, September's issue of PUF shall include a special feature, Utility Industry Masked.
Simply send in your selfie, with you wearing a mask. We hope to show some of you at utilities, utility commissions, other government agencies, associations, vendors and professional firms chipping in to conquer this coronavirus crisis.
Even if you're sporting a Red Sox or Patriots-themed mask, it’s all right. We'll proudly put your pic in this special feature.
Some of you from utilities, utility commissions, industry associations, etc. have already sent us your selfie with your favorite power mask on, in accordance with CDC guidelines of course. But there’s still time for the rest of you, to send in your selfie for this fun feature. Let’s show the world — to the extent the world reads PUF — that our industry is totally into social distancing.
Send in your masked selfie to Alexandra Revel of the PUF team, at