Water Division
Kathy Butzlaff is Water Division Public Utility Auditor, Principal, and Alex Hanna is Water Division Public Utility Rate Analyst, Principal, for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission.
PUF's Lori Burkhart: Talk about your backgrounds that led you to the Commission.
Kathy Butzlaff: I went to school in Madison and I have an accounting degree. When I was finishing school, I liked the Madison area and wanted to stay, so I started looking for a job. I ended up getting hired, and this summer will have been at the Commission for thirty years.
Alex Hanna: Before joining the PSC, I graduated from UW-Green Bay in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. After graduating, I interned for a large village in Northeastern Wisconsin, and from my time in college, I always wanted to be a part of the public sector. I grew up near Madison, Wisconsin and decided to move back.
PUF: Kathy, you're a Public Utility Auditor in the Water Division. Talk about your role at the Commission.
Kathy Butzlaff: We're unique here, as nearly all the water utilities in Wisconsin are municipally owned. But what really makes it unique is we regulate all those municipal utilities in Wisconsin, so we have about five hundred and eighty utilities.