Washington State UTC: Engineering


Safety Director and Engineers

Fortnightly Magazine - April 2020
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There is much going on at Washington's Utilities and Transportation Commission. Including implementation of the shiny new Clean Energy Transformation Act or CETA, requiring that state's electric utilities to transition to one hundred percent clean power by 2045. Signed into law last year, the devil is in the details, as here you hear Commission Staff grapple with the intricacies.


PUF: Sean, you're the Pipeline Safety Director. Talk about your role here.

Sean Mayo: I'm the division Director, responsible for oversight of our Chief Engineer, Joe Subsits, and the Pipeline Inspection program, as well as our Operations Manager, Debbie Becker, and her team of damage prevention and operations support Staff. We have fifteen total Staff in the program.

PUF: Joe, you are Chief Engineer. Talk about your role at the Commission.

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