Monica's Take on PUF Utility Operations and Digitization Survey


Accenture Expert’s Assessment

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2019
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In December 2018, Public Utilities Fortnightly conducted the PUF Year-End Survey of Utility Operations and Digitization. Respondents answered eleven questions on the challenges facing utilities in improving operational efficiency, integrating new technologies and protecting service delivery from cyber and other threats. Here, PUF asks an industry expert to evaluate how respondents answered two of the questions and offer her take-aways.

Question one asked, in which business areas will utilities have the greatest talent gap in the next five years? Respondents most often selected field workforce, cybersecurity and asset management, planning and engineering. Question two asked, what technologies should utilities deploy to support their digital workforce strategy more efficiently and effectively? Respondents most often selected mobile collaboration and drones.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: What do you do at your firm and for your clients?

Monica Yeung: I've been with Accenture for over twenty years, primarily serving utility transmission distribution clients. Most of my focus has been in electric and gas business and I run our Connected Worker offering for utilities.

We try to find ways to improve the way employees do their work in engineering, mapping, field supervision, and planning departments. Looking specifically at the process and the tools that serve them.

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