Mark Patton is Vice President, Smart Columbus, Columbus Partnership.
With the support of the Dentons Smart Cities & Communities Think Tank, PUF chose to honor Austin, Columbus, San Antonio, Spokane and suburban Birmingham as the Fortnightly Smartest Communities 2019.

PUF: Explain how the partnership works?
Mark Patton: Smart Columbus is a public/private partnership between the City of Columbus and the private sector. The private sector is represented as the Columbus Partnership. Alex Fischer is the CEO of the Columbus Partnership. I work for Alex, leading the private side of Smart Columbus.
We have received a series of investments from our Acceleration Partners that help advance the initiatives. Part of that's cash, and part of it's aligned investment that helps drive the city and businesses forward in the Smart City space.
It's our vision that these aligned investments will scale the fifty-million-dollar Smart City Challenge grants into a sustainable platform that will transform Columbus into America's Smart City, attracting talent and innovative companies to our region to benefit all our residents.
PUF: How did you get here?