A Day At & Visiting

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Can you guess what’s our favorite thing to do at Public Utilities Fortnightly? Well, it’s going to a state utility commission, interviewing just about everybody in sight, taking a bunch of photos, and creating A Day At cover article.

You all seem to love these too. The interviews uniquely show the behind-the-scenes of utility regulation and honor many of the unsung heroes dedicated to protecting and advancing the public interest.

The September 2016 issue featured the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia. July 2017 PUF featured the Illinois Commerce Commission.

Then, in 2018, we really picked up the pace. February 2018 PUF featured the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. April 2018 PUF featured the California Public Utilities Commission. June 2018 PUF featured the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. July 2018 PUF featured the Michigan Public Service Commission. September 2018 PUF featured the Florida Public Service Commission. And October 2018 featured the Georgia Public Service Commission. Half a dozen state utility commissions in a dozen months.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Then, in 2019, we went hog-wild. The Maine Public Utilities Commission was in January 2019. The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority was in February 2019. The Kentucky Public Service Commission was in March 2019. And the North Carolina Utilities Commission was in April 2019.

Coming up, the Indiana Public Service Commission will be in July 2019. And the Iowa Utilities Board will be in August 2019. Half a dozen state utility commissions in eight months this year thus far.

Altogether, that makes fourteen of the state utility commissions. Which begs the question, what or who or where is next?

Along the way, we interviewed the state consumer advocate folks in Connecticut and North Carolina, co-located with the commissions in those states. In addition to doing more and more A Day At commissions, perhaps we should look in on some more of the state advocates.