A Tipping Point
This article reports the results of the fourth annual PUF off-the-record discussion with electric industry thought leaders selected by PUF editorial leadership.
The objective of this exercise is to provide a safe setting in which industry leaders can speak frankly about what they see and expect to be happening regarding a set of questions shared with them before the interviews.
The group includes utility executives, commission members and staff, association executives, RTO/ISO leaders, and even a retired utility executive who has been an entrepreneur in energy since retirement. The Northeast, Midwest and West participated. The South was shy this year.
Key Selected Observations
There were many fascinating observations.
Here are selected items that we think are key to understanding where the utility sector is today and appears to be headed tomorrow: There is consensus that a tipping point has happened or is underway; Utility leadership has the potential to make a big difference in the pace and effectiveness of electricity's future; Without excellent grid reliability, other innovations will not succeed; and Utility roles should include enabling customers and regulators to have the knowledge to make good decisions.