Another View on Net Energy Metering
Rick Gilliam is program director for DG regulatory policy at Vote Solar. During his time at Vote Solar, since 2012, he has provided formal testimony in more than fifty regulatory proceedings. Previously, he held positions at SunEdison, Western Resource Advocates, Public Service Company of Colorado, and FERC.
In the October, 2018 issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly, editor-in-chief Steve Mitnick interviewed Dr. Ahmad Faruqui of The Brattle Group about net energy metering. Dr. Faruqui has been the leading consultant engaged by regulated utilities to pitch Commissions on concerns with net energy metering or NEM.
Coincidentally, Dr. Faruqui's views in this piece, while entirely his own, reflect with great precision the positions he has set forth on behalf of his clients. His view on the effects of one particular distributed energy technology runs counter to the goals of the vast majority of Americans that want a cleaner, more efficient electrical supply system, and potentially ignores the benefits of other new and future technologies.