Judging Innovators 2018: Passion for Utility Service and Innovation


Greatest Impact for the Public We Serve?

Fortnightly Magazine - November 11, 2018
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The three judges for this year's Fortnightly Top Innovators, Tom Flaherty of Strategy &/PwC, Morgan O'Brien of pdvWireless, and yours truly, based our favorites among the seventy-two qualifying nominations on the same criteria. Which achievements were the most unique, the most creative and the most impactful?

That doesn't mean our favorites were identical. It seemed to me that Tom, the uber strategist, leaned toward those nominations that were the most transformative for their companies. And it seemed that Morgan, a longtime telecom pioneer and leader, leaned towards those nominations that most vigorously pushed the digitalization envelope. 

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