Georgia PSC: Steve Roetger


Analyst, Internal Consultants

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2018
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PUF: What is your role here?

Steve Roetger: Our main objective is to oversee all parts of the construction of the Vogtle units, three and four, on behalf of the Georgia Commission. We look at engineering, procurement, and construction. Essentially Staff monitors all major facets of the project.

Currently, the company (Georgia Power Company and/or Southern Nuclear Company) is beginning to complete major systems and sub-systems, which is the next step from construction to fuel load. This process is known as the Initial Test Program. The hope is that system and sub-system turnover from construction to operations will run in parallel with remaining construction as each unit is completed.

The purpose of breaking down major systems into sub-systems is to expedite the construction to operations turnover. As with any generating plant, a nuclear unit is made up of multiple systems, some of which are safety related that fall under the Nuclear Regulatory Commission applicable regulations, and others that are not. The intent is to adhere to a turnover from construction to operations system waterfall so that they can be well-built and tested, and ready to receive fuel according to the project schedule.

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