Exelon Innovation Expo: Drones for Difficult Terrain

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Last year’s Exelon Innovation Expo was enormous with thousands of Exelon employees and hundreds of employee teams competing for the innovation awards.  But this year’s, that took place at the D.C. Convention last Thursday, broke the record. Four thousand Exelon employees and guests including three of us from Public Utilities Fortnightly spent the day peering into the future. Let me take that back. Those four thousand spent the day inventing the future.

Check out this cool brief video:



Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Exelon Innovation Expo Exhibitor: It does have a safety benefit in how we can mitigate how often our employees are put in hazardous situations. So that's an inherent benefit. But we can also improve how efficient we are when we perform work. Just imagine the alternative of walking down a difficult-to-access terrain, walking through wooded areas where we have our infrastructure. An alternative is, send a drone and be able to get eyes on our equipment that way.

PUF: What do you actually do? What do you do personally?

Exhibitor: I'm essentially the program manager of the program. Develop a strategy, evaluate various use cases. 

I've worked with members with the company all across the company, transmission, substation, distribution, our emergency preparedness group. I really work with the business to understand what their potential value of using a drone is. And then work with how we can develop a program to support that.