Julie Baldwin, Cathy Cole, and Pat Poli
Julie Baldwin is manager of the Renewable Energy Section of Michigan PSC. Cathy Cole is manager of the Resource Adequacy and Retail Choice Section. Pat Poli managed the Energy Waste Reduction Section and also Generation and Certificate of Need Section.
PUF: Julie, what do you do and how do you look at generation in Michigan?
Julie Baldwin: I'm the manager of the Renewable Energy Section. My group is responsible for the administrative duties related to Michigan's renewable portfolio standard, customer generation, standby rates, interconnection, PURPA, and net metering. It's been really fast-paced, the last few years, especially.
PUF: Is this a fun job?
Julie Baldwin: I love my job. It seems like every day there's a different issue that we get to work on.
I've noticed over the last few years, the way we work at the Commission has changed a lot. Instead of just staying in my own renewable energy silo, I get to work with energy waste reduction, generation, certificate of need people, distribution planners, and also utility rates. It's all interconnected. And that makes my job a lot more interesting.