Where are the Smart States?


Cities Seem to be Getting All the Limelight

Fortnightly Magazine - June 2018
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There is an awful lot of talk about "smart cities," but a lot less discussion of "smart states." And while my quick research is probably not scientific, I do think it is significant that an Internet search of "smart cities" produced about 9,490,000 results, while a similar search of "smart states" produced 57,400 results (so about one-half of one percent as many). And as best as I can tell, only two states - Illinois and Virginia - are making concrete plans to become "smart states."

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Smart grids, smart power, smart streets and smart infrastructure - and the use of data they produce - will provide enormous benefits for residents, businesses and governments. Such capabilities will certainly affect the attractiveness of cities, regions and states for economic development.

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