Ohio PUC: Bethany Allen


Chief Commission Aide

Fortnightly Magazine - June 2018
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PUF: What is your role here at the Commission?

Bethany Allen: A substantial portion of my job is advising the chairman on issues before the commission, which can require a great deal of background work. When we have a big case before us, I pore over the docket, reading and summarizing every motion, comment, brief, and stipulation.

I am also checking any cited precedent, jotting down questions, and attempting to gain an understanding of the technical concepts within an application. This allows me to present a thorough review to the chairman that highlights decision points and provides recommendations.

I also facilitate the relationship between the other commissioners and the legal department. When we receive the weekly packets of our entries and orders, I serve as the bridge between the two departments.

If a commissioner has suggestions, issues, or questions about something the legal office has drafted, I like to act as a mediator. I want to find a solution that would address any concerns of the commissioner, while ensuring continued compliance with the law and precedent.

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