Before the holidays, Public Utilities Fortnightly held a roundtable in Houston with four thought leaders on the unique Texas wholesale and retail markets. For a couple of hours former FERC Chair Pat Wood, Centerpoint SVP Kenny Mercado, Direct Energy EVP Jim Steffes and Rice University Professor Ken Medlock had a lively discussion spurred on by PUF’s Editor-in-Chief.
How well are the Texas wholesale and retail markets operating? What are the major challenges? What developments can we expect in the next few years? What factors are most responsible for the markets’ performance? Who were the winners and losers as the markets evolved? To what extent are the structures and performance of the markets in Texas transferable to other states? In particular, the approach on energy versus capacity and the approach of 100% retail participation. What has been the role of utilities? What has been the effect on innovation? What have been the environmental impacts?
Look for Part I of this discussion in February 2018's PUF.