Data Analytics Change Utilities
Terry Waters is Executive Director of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies.
The Association of Edison Illuminating Companies and the Western Load Research Association held their third joint Load Research and Analytics Conference in Nashville, July 23-26, 2017.
The collaborative meeting created by these two premier load research groups presented an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas with other industry professionals and share load research and analytics concepts and techniques.
Dave Williams from Gulf Power, representing AEIC, and Joel Clark from Idaho Power, representing WRLA, called the conference to order. They introduced keynote speakers Nathan Mathis from TVA, Chair of the AEIC Load Research & Analytics Committee and Candice Potter from Nexant, Inc., Co-Chair of the Western Load Research Association.
In addition, Gary Harris, Vice President of Industrial Marketing and Services for TVA, welcomed conference attendees to TVA's service territory. "This conference provides an opportunity to exchange ideas with a set of diverse national and international utility companies, and to better understand how changing market conditions, new technologies, and changing consumer preferences are being addressed by other utilities," he said.
The primary focus of the conference was data analytics. "It's becoming apparent that data analytics is changing the way utilities will do business," commented Nathan Mathis. "We saw examples of how data-driven insights are improving forecasts, business operations, customer service, and DER strategies. The companies that are able to leverage the value contained in the fast flowing, voluminous data will have a competitive advantage."
Presentations provided during the conference included Forecasting for Distribution Operations; Shedding Light on Sample Design and Analysis Considerations for Rooftop Solar; Transportation Electrification Loads and Rate Designs at Southern California Edison; Current Load Research Practices and Trends; Weather Normalization Process Improvements; Quantifying Retailer Demand Response in ERCOT; and Inference from Smart Meters Using the Fourier Transformation.
AEIC's Load Research & Analytics Committee promotes responsible load research and analysis in the electric energy industry. The Committee develops and disseminates source materials on the conduct of load research and its appropriate application through annual reports, workshops and seminars, and conferences.
AEIC was founded by Thomas Edison and his associates in 1885 and is one of the longest-standing associations in the electric energy industry. AEIC encourages research and enables the exchange of technical information and best practices through a committee structure, staffed with experts from management of member companies, to solve challenges and create opportunities for electric utilities, worldwide.
Lead image: Gary Harris, Vice President of Industrial Marketing and Services for TVA, welcomes the group, representing 21 companies, to the conference.