Zero-Carbon Grid Electricity

The Energy Department's data for this June has just arrived.

Of the power produced by solar in June, the grid's solar produced 71.3 percent. Residential solar, 16.6 percent. Other distributed sources, 12.1 percent.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The prior June, the grid's solar produced 64.5 percent, a significantly smaller share. Residential solar, 19.4 percent. Other distributed sources, 16.2 percent.

From June 2016 to June 2017, the grid's solar production increased a lot, by 73.7 percent.

This June, 36.5 percent of the grid's electricity was zero-carbon, from solar, wind, hydro, nuclear, etc. The zero-carbon share increased considerably from the prior June, when it was 31.7 percent.

Over half of the grid's zero-carbon electricity came from nuclear. Over three-quarters came from nuclear and hydro. Over nine-tenths came from nuclear, hydro and wind.

While the zero-carbon share this June was 36.5 percent, the coal share was substantially less, at 30.4 percent.  

The relative shares were very different the prior June. In June 2016, zero-carbon was 31.7 percent. Coal was about equal, at 31.5 percent.


EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

More insightful number-crunching in the ten-page PUF Quant Services section in every mid-month PUF 2.0.

Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly


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