It’s June. Let’s conference!
Next week, we’ll see you at the Edison Electric Institute’s Annual Convention, in Boston. I’ve been attending the Annual Convention regularly for twenty-five years. I have the T-shirts – the ones they give you at registration – to prove it.
Everybody is there. Utility execs. Top industry thinkers. The up-and-comers.
So much to learn. And so much opportunity to share what you’ve learned with the movers and the shakers, in the hallways, at the breaks. Makes you wonder why anyone skips the A.C.
Then, the week after, we’ll see you at the American Public Power Association National Conference, in Orlando. I haven’t been a regular at this one. But I will be. Public Utilities Fortnightly wants to honor and highlight all sectors of our industry including public power. So, going to the A.C. and the N.C., back-to-back.
And before long, it’s off to the NARUC Summer Meeting, in San Diego. In mid-July. Yes, I know, NARUC has a new name for the Summer Meeting. But I’m old school. I still say Triborough Bridge despite its renaming.
Interested in utility regulation? I hope so. You’re reading this. Then you need to get to the Summer Policy Summit (aka Summer Meeting). You just need to. Almost every commissioner will be there. Many other leaders in regulation too from commission staffs and utilities.
Can’t wait to see you in Boston, Orlando and San Diego. Find me during a break.
The magazine for commentary, opinion and debate on utility regulation and policy since 1928, Public Utilities Fortnightly. “In PUF, Impact the Debate.”
Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
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