The 2016 FRI Symposium will examine the management challenges of balancing the modern public utility’s need for profitability with the requirement of providing customer service that is safe, reliable, and affordable. Included in this discussion will be issues of physical and cyber security, environmental responsibility, infrastructure enhancement, regulatory design, and the management of investor relations. The Symposium’s panels will examine current practices in these areas, identify emerging new solutions, and offer thoughts regarding developments in the near-term future.
In addition to a Commissioner Spotlight and the three panels below, the Symposium will also feature two keynote speakers - NARUC President Travis Kavulla and Bradford Willke, Chief of CSA Field Operations & Supervisory Cyber Security Advisor for the Office of Cybersecurity & Communications at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Panel I will focus on safety associated with the production, transmission, and distribution of public utility services. Included in this panel’s discussion will be issues such as physical and cyber security, innovative technologies, environmental protections, and infrastructure requirements. The panel will also discuss how the need for safety enhancements effects utility profitability.
Panel II examines the issue of utility reliability and what must be done to enhance system and grid robustness. Issues such as infrastructure modernization, emerging and innovative technologies, and regulatory initiatives to improve reliability will be analyzed. This panel will also discuss how improvements in system reliability can be funded and what effect they will have on utility profitability.
Panel III explores how utilities can best respond to the challenging issues of affordability and access. Important to this discussion will be issues of infrastructure recapitalization, the use of innovative technologies, and the design of responsive regulation. Commission rate setting and the delivery of customer service will be discussed in the context of utility profitability goals.
During the Symposium activities, Philip Moeller will also be presented with the 2016 FRI Crystal Award for Distinguished Contribution!
For more information contact Sarah Gott