Hundred Machines, Appliances, Devices in Your Home?


Does your household have a hundred or more electric machines, appliances, devices?

Today in Fortnightly

Basic twenty-five electric machines, appliances, devices in most homes excluding lights:

1. one window air conditioner or central air conditioning
2. one gas furnace fan motor/igniter or electric heat
3. one interior thermostat
4. one ceiling, standing or table fan
5. one microwave oven
6. one coffee maker
7. one toaster
8. one refrigerator/freezer
9. one dishwasher
10. one garbage disposal

11. one clothes washer
12. one clothes dryer
13. one clothes iron
14. one mobile phone
15. one land-line phone handset
16. one television
17. one cable box
18. one video player/recorder
19. one stereo sound system

20. one alarm clock/radio

21. one laptop computer (with monitor)
22. one computer printer/fax/scanner
23. one Wi-Fi modem/router
24. one hair dryer
25. one vacuum machine

Additional electric machines, appliances, devices in many homes including lights: 

26. one electric water heater

27. one room space heater

28. one air humidifier/purifier 

29. one mixer/blender

30. one slow or other specialized cooker

31. one grill/waffle maker/skillet

32. one video game console or handheld

33. one handheld tablet such as iPad or Kindle

34. one electric razor

35. one electric toothbrush

36. a second ceiling, standing or table fan

37. a second refrigerator or freezer

38. a second mobile phone
39. a second land-line phone handset
40. a second television

41. a third television
42. a second cable box

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

43. a third cable box
44. a second laptop computer (with monitor)

45. a second electric toothbrush

46. one cooktop

47. one model train/car or other toy

48. one electric fireplace

49. one electric blanket

50. one home security system

51. one power drill

52. one power saw

53. one shower ceiling fan

54. a second shower ceiling fan

55. one electric guitar, keyboard or other instrument

56. one hair styler/curler 

57. one sewing machine

58. a third mobile phone

59. a third land-line phone handset

60. a second video game console or handheld 

61-62: two exterior security lights

63-66: four garage/basement/attic lights

67-68: two nightlights

69-72: four floor and table lamps

73-76: four bathroom ceiling lights (two bathrooms)

77-80: four kitchen ceiling lights

81-83: three dining room lights

84-87: four living room lights

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

88-90: three hallway/closet lights

91-100: ten bedroom ceiling lights (three bedrooms)

Did you notice when you saw the cover of the February issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly? We've changed our motto to "In the public interest."

Steve Mitnick, Editor-in-Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
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