People (December 2015)

Fortnightly Magazine - December 2015

New Opportunities

Daniel S. Tucker

Southern Company elected Daniel S. Tucker as its treasurer. Previously he was v.p. of investor relations and financial planning for Southern Company.

PG&E appointed Jason P. Wells as senior v.p. and CFO, effective Jan. 1, 2016. Wells will succeed Kent Harvey, who is retiring in the first half of 2016. Currently, Wells is v.p. of business finance for the company.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Chesapeake Energy appointed R. Brad Martin as non-executive chairman of the company's board of directors. As part of the transition, Archie W. Dunham will remain a director and has been named chairman emeritus.  Martin, chairman of RBM Ventures and retired chairman and CEO of Saks Incorporated, was appointed to Chesapeake's board of directors in June 2012. 

Mississippi Power named Anthony L. Wilson president. Previously he was executive v.p. of operations. In addition, Ed Holland, the current Mississippi Power chairman and CEO, will become president and CEO of Southern Company Holdings and executive v.p. of Southern Company Services, effective Jan. 1.

Mark Savoff

Entergy named Paul Hinnenkamp as senior v.p., COO for Entergy Corporation. Hinnenkamp replaces Mark Savoff, who announced his retirement. Hinnenkamp most recently served as senior v.p. for capital project management and technology.

American Electric Power (AEP) named Joel P. Gebbie as senior v.p. and chief nuclear officer of the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Cook) in Bridgman, Mich., effective Jan. 1, 2016. Gebbie heretofore has been the on-site v.p. at Cook. Gebbie replaces Larry Weber, who is retiring after 17 years with AEP.

The Alliance for Sustainable Energy (Alliance) appointed Dr. Martin Keller as director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and president of the Alliance, which manages the laboratory for the Department of Energy. He joins NREL from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he served as the associate laboratory director for Energy and Environmental Sciences.

Advanced Microgrid Solutions (AMS) named Kellogg (Kelly) L. Warner as president. Warner has been an advisor to AMS since the company's inception in 2013.

Dr. Martin Keller

Renewable Energy Systems (RES) added Dr. Matthias Leuthold and Dr. Craig Horne to the company's market development team for energy storage practice. Dr. Leuthold will serve as business development manager for RES in Germany. Dr. Leuthold worked as a researcher at Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University. Dr. Craig Horne joins RES as v.p. of business development of energy storage. Previously, Dr. Horne served as CEO and chief strategy officer at EnerVault. 


WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission selected Julie Boettcher as the new resident inspector at the Palisades nuclear power plant. Boettcher joined the NRC Region III office in 2013 as a reactor engineer. The PJM board appointed Andrew L. Ott as PJM's new president and CEO. Terry Boston will serve as CEO emeritus until his retirement on Dec. 31, 2015.
The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) named Kevin Lanahan as v.p. for external affairs. Prior to joining the NYISO, Lanahan served as director of government relations for Con Edison.

Board of Directors

Rafael Flores, senior v.p. and chief nuclear officer of Luminant, was elected to the Ameren board of directors.

In Memorium

Judge Richard D. Cudahy, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (Chicago), passed away recently, as communicated to us by his secretary, Pamela Jacob. Judge Cudahy was a frequent contributor to Public Utilities Fortnightly, often on the topic of electric restructuring and deregulation, and voicing a healthy skepticism through his unique and always colorful way with words. We will miss him.

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