New Opportunities

Xcel Energy named George E. Tyson II as senior v.p. for corporate development - a new position. Tyson was senior v.p. and treasurer of Xcel Energy and had held several leadership roles in his 13 years with the company.
Southern Company hired Michael Britt as v.p. for the company's recently introduced Energy Innovation Center. Britt returns to Southern Company with nearly 30 years' experience in utility strategy, marketing, communications, data analytics, and operational improvement.
Southern Company Services named Martin B. Davis as executive v.p. and chief information officer. He served most recently as head of enterprise technology services, executive
v.p., and chief technology officer for Wells Fargo.
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) promoted three senior executives: Geisha Williams as president, electric operations; and Nick Stavropoulos as president, gas operations. Both are currently executive vice presidents. PG&E also promoted John Simon from senior v.p. of human resources to a new role as executive v.p. of corporate services and human resources.

FirstEnergy (FE) named Brett W. Reynolds as v.p., FE products. Prior to joining FirstEnergy, Reynolds spent more than 20 years in marketing and sales positions with the National Football League.
AEP Texas named Andy Heines as director of corporate communications. Andy has held various positions within corporate communications during his 27 years with AEP.
ITC Holdings appointed Matthew Dills as v.p., human resources and chief human resources officer. Dills recently served as executive v.p. of human resources and talent management at Hylant Inc.
Tucson Electric Power and UniSource Energy Services named new leaders to oversee transmission and distribution (T&D) system operations and engineering, public policy, and customer service. Susan Gray was promoted to v.p. of T&D operations and engineering. Previously, she was senior director of T&D. Jo Smith was promoted to v.p. of public policy. Previously she was senior director of regulatory services and corporate communications. Cathy Ries was named v.p. of customer and human resources. Ries previously served as v.p. of human resources and information technology.

FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) promoted Raymond A. Lieb to senior v.p. of fleet engineering and Brian D. Boles to site v.p. at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.
Boles replaces Lieb as site v.p. of Davis-Besse and will report to senior v.p. and FENOC COO, Paul A. Harden.
The New York Power Authority (NYPA) named Soubhagya Parija as senior v.p. and chief risk officer. Parija joined NYPA from Wal-Mart, where he was a director and oversaw the global compliance risk strategy.
The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) named Douglas L. Chapman as v.p. and CIO. Prior to joining the NYISO, he served as executive director of IT infrastructure for MISO.

Robert A. Osborne was named v.p. and COO of the Ohio Valley
Electric Corporation. Osborne served as managing director of field and support services for AEP's generation organization since 2007.
Board of Directors
OGE Energy appointed David L. Hauser to the company's board of directors and as member of its audit committee. Hauser is a 35-year career veteran with Duke Energy.
John G. Sznewajs, v.p., treasurer and CFO of Masco Corporation, was elected to CMS Energy's board of directors. He also is joining the board of directors of Consumers Energy, the principal subsidiary of CMS Energy.
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