Off Peak

AGA Issues its Dog Bite Prevention Booklet.<font color="990000">
Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 2002
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Off Peak


September 15 , 2002


Doggone It!

AGA Issues its Dog Bite Prevention Booklet.

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Now out on the street, the new American Gas Association booklet on Dog Bite Prevention tells us how to achieve harmony between man and beast. Well, sort of. AGA does "disclaim any and all responsibilities for the accuracy of the information" in the booklet. Notwithstanding, an AGA representative told us that the cover of the booklet was to be a ferocious looking dog. But in its wisdom, the AGA decided on a more passive pooch (see picture), to convey that "it's the quiet ones you have to worry about." Certainly, the booklet produced howls from the Fortnightly editors. Below, some of our favorites.

Things You Should Know About Dogs

Any dog is a potential biter.

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