Off Peak

Energy scandals have made the industry the target of CBS prime-time morality soap operas and a movie.
Fortnightly Magazine - February 1 2003
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As the Megawatt Turns

Energy scandals have made the industry the target of CBS prime-time morality soap operas and a movie.

One can only guess which energy company CBS-TV's "Touched by an Angel" was thinking of when it featured the character David Satterfield, an executive at "Dyna Energy." And the CBS movie, "The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth about Enron," left no doubt about which company was being thought of.

Intrigued by the use of the energy industry as a backdrop for morality tales, Fortnightly shares one fictional energy executive's walk with an angel.

Scene Setup

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A recent episode of CBS-TV's "Touched by an Angel" depicted Monica, Tess, and the whole gang of TV angels reaching out to Dyna Energy exec David Satterfield, first seen gabbing on his cell phone during a family visit to the zoo, too wrapped up in his company's imminent merger to spend time with his wife and daughter.

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