Off Peak

Fortnightly Magazine - November 15 2000
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Off Peak

November 15, 2000

Rx for IOUs: Slim Down


WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

To an industry whose mantra of late has been "diversify and conquer," a prominent utilities consultant has some startling advice: Slim down and focus on your core strengths.

According to Etienne Deffarges, global managing partner for utility strategy at Andersen Consulting, a utility's survival in the deregulated U.S. market will depend on narrowing its business focus and achieving scale. That's because the industry is migrating to one comprised of three tightly focused segments of companies-energy merchants, retailers, and transmission and distribution companies. Deffarges describes this emerging utility business model in his new report, "CEO Challenges in a Competitive Power Industry." New Tactics for Creating Value.

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