Customers Come First

Fortnightly Magazine - September 1 1997
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Bruce Radford's May 15 "Frontlines" (p. 4) commentary on the Sears Tower/QST cogeneration project misses the point. I would like to correct his misconceptions and clarify the issues by looking at them from a marketplace viewpoint rather than a utility-based viewpoint.

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First of all, the Sears Tower's savings are more than an "allegation." QST's proposed cogeneration facility for the Sears Tower will reduce the cost of electric power supply to the tower by about $2 million per year compared to what it costs under ComEd's current rates.

The outstanding issue is a legal one, i.e., whether or not the building owner has the right to install a facility and compel ComEd to allow the proper interconnections to their transmission and distribution network. We believe that the Illinois Commerce Commission will uphold our position that ComEd has an obligation to allow this interconnection so that the tower can enjoy the economic benefits that are available to them.

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