In Brief...

Fortnightly Magazine - August 1997
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

Overseas Investment. Michigan certifies plan by Consumers Electric and Gas Co. to bid on the outstanding equity of three electric distribution companies being privatized in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Case No. U-11331, April 14, 1997 (Mi.P.S.C.).

Appliance Repair Rates. New Jersey OKs rates for Public Service Electric and Gas Co. for central air-conditioning repair and maintenance services, but warns company not to change rates without board approval and directs it to notify customers that the repair services are available from competitors. Docket No. EC96070517, April 14, 1997 (N.J.B.P.U.).

Management Audit. Vermont regulators say Central Vermont Public Service Corp. suffers from operational deficiencies that warrant independent review, directs utility to send copy of findings to each member of company's board of directors. Docket No. 5863, April 16, 1997 (Vt.P.S.B.).

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