N.Y. Would Reimburse Bypassed QFs

Fortnightly Magazine - July 15 1997
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The New York Public Service Commission has set up procedures to reimburse qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities if any of the state's seven investor-owned electric utilities should curtail purchases of power from the QFs. The Independent Power Producers of New York Inc. blasted the decision.

The PSC said it will review QF requests for reimbursement if a utility is alleged to have curtailed purchases unfairly. The decision (Case 97041/C92E0814; C88E0081) appears consistent with the PSC's long-standing practice of requiring utilities to take responsibility for operational decisions. The PSC explained that postcurtailment review as opposed to precurtailment review (FERC's Curtailment Rule permits either method) should eliminate the need for the PSC and parties to invest significant time and resources trying to preestablish terms of each curtailment. Instead, any curtailment will be judged on a specific set of facts and circumstances resulting from a utility's actions.

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