Energy Market Structure Issues Dominate Wisconsin Rate Cases

Fortnightly Magazine - May 1 1997
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In a series of rulings regarding Wisconsin Electric Power Co.,

the Wisconsin Public Service Commission has directed the

utility to reduce electric charges and natural gas service rates.

In a similar ruling, the commission also has authorized Wisconsin Public Service Corp. to boost rates for natural gas, while trimming rates for electric service.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Wisconsin Electric. The commission ordered Wisconsin Electric to cut electric rates by $7.383 million. Rate of return on common equity was set at 10.8 percent. In setting charges for electric service, the commission considered the effect on rates of several large sales by the utility to customers in Illinois under a pilot retail-wheeling program initiated in that state. It rejected allegations that Wisconsin Electric was discriminating against local customers by charging lower rates to participants in the pilot program.

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