While approving a
three-year settlement on electric rates for Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., the New York Public Service Commission has accepted a highly controversial increase in minimum charges for low-use residential customers.
It also approved a plan to establish an
$11-million, ratepayer-supported fund to promote additional sales to large, alternate-fuel customers, but warned the company that the court would closely monitor relations between the utility and its energy marketing affiliate, Plum Street Energy Marketing.
Under the approved rate plan, which calls for a net reduction in revenues of $10 million by the end of the rate period, the minimum monthly service charge is increased from $8.55 to $12.53 for residential, nonheating customers and to $15.53 for heating customers. Minimum charges for small, general service users also will go up, while large users are awarded a decrease in minimum charge rates.
The commission said that many large-use customers "have been and will continue to pay too much in usage charges to maintain low minimum charges."