Alabama Finds Need for Power, Certifies Cogen Plant

Fortnightly Magazine - March 1 1997
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Finding that Alabama Power Co. has a clear need for additional capacity in the near future (em reserves for the year 1999 will drop to approximately 9.2 percent (em the Alabama Public Service Commission has authorized the utility to pursue a utility-owned cogeneration project as the least-cost resource option.

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The company plans to install a natural gas-fired cogeneration plant at an industrial facility owned by one of its larger customers. The utility will own, design, maintain and operate the

100-MW facility. The commission found the cogeneration arrangement allowed the utility to retain substantial revenues, which could have been lost, with a detrimental effect on all ratepayers, if the customer exercised its cogeneration option without the utility's participation, the commission said. Re Alabama Power Co., Docket No. 25721, Jan. 13, 1997 (Ala.P.S.C.).


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