Oregon PUC Staff Wants M&A Conditions

Fortnightly Magazine - March 1 1997
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The Oregon Public Utilities Commission staff has recommended the proposed merger of Portland General Electric Co. and Enron Corp. be approved with conditions, and has asked for a customer-rate reduction of $47.4 million for four years.

Subsequently, an $11.2-million rate-reduction component would remain part of electric rates until PGE's next rate proceeding. The staff would include a feature to true up rate-reduction amounts if certain future revenues exceed expectations.

Also, the staff calls for minimum-service-quality standards with monetary penalties for noncompliance, restrictions to ensure financial viability of the utility, various reporting and information access requirements, cost-shifting protections and competitive protections. The staff makes a total of 23

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