Innovation is a Foundation for a Corporation


Innovation Rhyme

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2024

Public Utilities Fortnightly highlights and celebrates in each October issue of the magazine, the innovators at utilities. Yes, there are many outstanding innovators throughout our industry, at energy tech firms, EPRI, GTI, the national labs, universities, to name just a few of the sources of new capabilities and new efficiencies. But our utilities are extraordinary sources too.

Though less recognized, we at PUF make up for that a bit by honoring utility employees and teams of them that are making a huge difference. With our annual Top Innovator Awards, and at our annual Fortnightly Top Innovators conference.

And, here too, in a little ode to utility innovators in rhyme:

Innovation is a foundation
for a corporation
with the expectation
to leverage the imagination of its people
to succeed in the energy transformation
in any location of this nation.

To drive innovation,
we have a celebration of the innovator
with me as the moderator
and with an audience ovation and elation
to signify their admiration,
that’s our motivation,
that’s our inspiration.
It isn’t a simplification to say
that a culture of innovation
takes preparation
to maximize participation
and collaboration.

And when an innovation can contribute
to the obligation to serve,
there’s a presentation,
for the consideration of regulation,
and if approved
it can then proceed to a demonstration
and then to widespread application
for the population.
It is my observation
that communication is key
to any situation, here too,
that’s no exaggeration.

Whether for generation,
transmission or distribution,
or a combination,
or the electrification of transportation,
let us continue the conversation
about the industry’s modernization
on the way to our resilient, affordable,
and clean destination.

We feature innovation
in this publication,
so, we have for you an invitation,
if you have the inclination
for experimentation, read on.

I know this is a lot of information,
thus, here is my summation,
my recitation, in words
without my typical quantification,
just explanation.

There is every indication
that the innovator is an idea generator,
in effect a change gladiator
to make service for the customer
even greater,
sooner rather than later.