The Nuclear Renaissance of Today and Tomorrow


Acceleration Over Next Decade

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2024
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EEI International Programs recently hosted a panel on present-day and future prospects of nuclear energy research, application, and commercialization during the eighth Annual Global Electrification Forum, which brought together international electric company leadership, industry experts, and thought leaders from around the world.

The session, which was moderated by James Schaefer, senior managing director for Guggenheim Partners, featured Shannon Bragg-Sitton, director of integrated energy and storage systems at the Idaho National Laboratory; Heather Ferguson, senior vice president of business development and corporate affairs for Ontario Power Generation; Simon Irish, CEO of Terrestrial Energy; and Chris Levesque, CEO of TerraPower. Each panelist shared insights into the diverse set of industrial applications of nuclear, its growth, and revival in the energy industry and across other sectors.

Role of Nuclear Research in the Clean Energy Transition

Bragg-Sitton shared her perspectives on the emerging nuclear research underway throughout the United States, including at Idaho National Laboratory, which is one of the seventeen national labs operated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Bragg-Sitton noted that as nuclear becomes increasingly viable in the U.S. marketplace, the energy source will play a greater role in electrifying harder-to-abate sectors.

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