Ms. Fedorchak Goes to Washington


NARUC President Wins Primary

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2024
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Public Utilities Fortnightly does not endorse candidates running for political office. That being said, we couldn’t be prouder of Julie Fedorchak, NARUC’s President and a North Dakota Commissioner for more than a decade. Three weeks ago, on the eleventh of June, Fedorchak prevailed in the Republican Primary and her name will appear on the ballot this November in an election to determine who shall sit in N.D.’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Indeed, Fedorchak’s win was nearly a landslide against several opponents. With almost all the vote in, forty-six percent went with her versus a little less than thirty percent for the second-place finisher and little less than twenty percent against the third-place finisher.

Fedorchak has said, in a local television news report, that of KFYR-TV, “I’m not interested in becoming a social media star. I’m not interested in becoming a celebrity nationwide on Fox News or any channel. I really just want to get to work and find others like me to get to work, even if we do not have the same ideas.”

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