Innovation: Mike Innocenzo


Exelon Innovation Summit

Fortnightly Magazine - July 2024
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The 2024 Exelon Innovation Expo on June fifth at the National Harbor in Maryland was inspiring and full of energy. PUF asked three of Exelon's top execs what the Expo means to them, and how innovation is weaved into all aspects of the company's service to customers.


PUF's Steve Mitnick: Talk about this event. What does this event mean to you?

Mike Innocenzo: The Innovation Expo for me, at the core of it, is about unleashing the creativity, energy, and innovation of our employees. It was first thought of thirteen years ago by then-CEO, the late Chris Crane.

It was an acknowledgement that as an industry, we were facing a time of transition as we started to move our industry toward addressing some of the challenges we faced around clean, reliable, resilient, and affordable energy, as well as increased customer demands.

It was a recognition that Exelon has become a big player in the industry, and was our opportunity to take a leadership role in helping the industry evolve. What was special to Chris and all of us was observing and recognizing that we have a passionate, engaged employee base that wants to make a difference.

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