Moderator Mark Menezes is CEO of the United States Energy Association. Dan Brouillette is CEO of the Edison Electric Institute. Arshad Mansoor is the CEO of EPRI. Maria Korsnick is CEO of the Nuclear Energy Institute.
The United States Energy Association held its 20th State of the Energy Industry Forum at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. in late January 2024. This panel, Electricity, Natural Gas, Power: Growing Interdependency, focused on the growing electrification of our economy and the increased interdependence of natural gas supply, electric and gas transmission, and growth of inverter-based resources on the grid. The panelists discussed their views on the increased demands on our electric grid as our economy is becoming increasingly electrified.
The panel was moderated by United States Energy Association CEO Mark Menezes, and included Edison Electric Institute CEO Dan Brouillette, EPRI CEO Arshad Mansoor, Nuclear Energy Institute CEO Maria Korsnick, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America CEO Amy Andrysak, Natural Gas Supply Association CEO Dena Wiggins, and Solar Energy Industries Association CEO Abigail Hopper. Enjoy these excerpts from EEI CEO Dan Brouillette, EPRI CEO Arshad Mansoor, and NEI CEO Maria Korsnick.
Edison Electric Institute CEO Dan Brouillette: We want to get these things right. We have to get these things right. Talking to a few folks today at EEI, the analogy that they gave is very appropriate. We want optionality in moving energy around. We want to give Europe the option to buy U.S. LNG or the option to buy from others apart from Russia.