Calvin Butler is the CEO of Exelon. Moderator Lawrence Jones is SVP for International Programs at EEI.
Exelon Corporation is a giant of a utility company, the largest transmission and distribution utility in the U.S. by customer count, serving some ten million customers via six fully regulated T&D utilities: Atlantic City Electric, Baltimore Gas and Electric, Commonwealth Edison, Delmarva Power & Light, PECO Energy Company, and Potomac Electric Power Company.

That makes its leader, Exelon CEO Calvin Butler, a busy man. So, when he sits down to talk, everyone listens. Enjoy these excerpts from the Global Circuit Exchange with Butler and EEI SVP for International Programs Lawrence Jones at the Edison Electric Institute's 7th Annual Global Electrification Forum.
Moderator and EEI SVP for International Programs Lawrence Jones: This issue of diversity, equity, inclusion at Exelon. Talk about why this is important for all corporate leaders to pay attention to.
Exelon CEO Calvin Butler: I'm blessed to have taken over the position of CEO at Exelon, where my predecessor Chris Crane, through his years of leadership of a decade at Exelon, created a foundation of DEI that is important to who we are.
Chris believed in DEI. I live diversity, equity, and inclusion. Shame on me if I don't bring those experiences every day to how I lead and how I sit in this chair. My job is to take how we engage in our communities to another level.