David Slutzky is the CEO of Fermata Energy. Anna Demeo is Chief Product Officer of Fermata Energy.
Electric vehicle implementation heralds the future for decarbonization around the globe. But it won't be easy and there is much to bring together on the roadway to build needed infrastructure, as well as to win over the hearts and minds of the public. Fermata Energy was founded with intentions of accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles and the transition to renewable energy. With so much to know, PUF spoke with Fermata Energy CEO David Slutzky and Chief Product Officer Anna Demeo.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: What is Fermata Energy doing to accelerate the energy transformation?
David Slutzky: I started this company with two intentions. The first was to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and the second was to accelerate the transition to renewables on the grid as the principal source of power generation.
Those two intentions intersect at V2X technology. We call it V2X because it's not vehicle-to-everything, the grid, the building, home. Specifically, V2X includes V2G or vehicle-to-grid, V2B or vehicle-to-building, V2L or vehicle-to-load, and V2H or vehicle-to-home.
That technology sits at the intersection of those two intentions. On the vehicle side, I believe that the single biggest obstacle to scale adoption of electric vehicles now is the price. EVs are costly.