Looking Back on Career Serving Canada Utility Regulators



Fortnightly Magazine - April 2023
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CAMPUT used to be known as the Canadian Association of Members of Public Utility Tribunals. That lengthy title was dropped in 2011 in favor of the acronym, CAMPUT, which is well recognized. CAMPUT became Canada's Energy and Utility Regulators, akin to the U.S. National Association of Utility Regulatory Commissioners, NARUC.

In fact, attendees at CAMPUT's annual meeting, this year in Toronto in May, will see NARUC's leadership there. It's a great conference. In charge of CAMPUT and that conference for many years was the recently retired Executive Director Cynthia Chaplin, also a former regulator.

Chaplin headed up CAMPUT and along with its Executive Committee heralded changes at the well-respected association of utility regulators to our north. Public Utilities Fortnightly sat down with Chaplin for a look back and ahead with this important regulatory body.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: Talk about how CAMPUT evolved and grew while you helped lead it.

Cynthia Chaplin: I have three things I want to talk about. The most important is how CAMPUT evolved financially. That's something most people don't see. The members don't see it. But running a financially sustainable organization is important if you're going to be around for your members.

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