May 15-17 in Washington, D.C.
Steve Mitnick has authored four books on the economics, history, and people of the utilities industries. While in the consulting practice leadership of McKinsey & Co. and Marsh & McLennan, he advised utility leaders. He led a transmission development company and was a New York Governor’s chief energy advisor. Mitnick was an expert witness appearing before utility regulatory commissions of six states, D.C., FERC, and in Canada, and taught microeconomics, macroeconomics, and statistics at Georgetown University.
You help operate your utility's electric grid. Or you help plan, build, maintain it. Or you help protect the grid and restore it to service whenever any part of it temporarily goes down from the acts of nature and man. Or you do any of that for the electric generating fleet.
Then you need to consider attending the Edison Congress 2023 this May fifteenth to seventeenth. In Washington, literally six hundred and sixty feet from the White House.
Co-hosted by Public Utilities Fortnightly and the electric utility association that Thomas Edison himself founded. Way back in 1885, the Wizard of Menlo Park presided over the first meeting of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, commonly called AEIC by its member electric utilities.