Bhavin Desai is a Senior Program Manager at EPRI where he is responsible for managing EPRI’s R&D in Transmission & Distribution Asset Management Analytics. Adrian Kelly is a Principal Project Manager at EPRI Europe working in the Grid Operations & Planning team.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies offer electric utilities opportunities to capture significant value across the full range of power delivery functions. Although power industry experience with these technologies is at an early stage in its maturity level, forward-looking utilities are building an AI/ML knowledge and experience base through a series of use cases aimed at addressing a wide range of power system challenges.

This paper profiles a number of utility use cases to highlight promising applications, AI/ML approaches used, and the maturity levels of the various examples.
Reliable power delivery, extending from transmission and distribution to the customer meter, encompasses a broad range of functions including asset management, grid operations and planning, end-use, design, construction, engineering, maintenance, and customer communications.
A wealth of data is generated as T&D utilities dispense these functions, including work and outage management records, metering data, test and diagnostic results, online real time operations monitoring data, simulation results, meter data and many more.