JERA, Intertrust Technologies
Ben Jamaa is Global Chief Information/Digital Officer at JERA. Talal Shamoon is the CEO of Intertrust Technologies.
Its name, not familiar to most of us, as of yet, is JERA. Formed on February 9, 2015 by the first and third largest utilities of Japan, Tokyo Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power, encompassing both companies' extensive thermal generation fleets and fuel supply chains (including in the U.S.), the name JERA is actually an acronym for "Japan's Energy for a New Era."

Extensive is an understatement. JERA owns and operates sixty-six gigawatts of thermal generation capacity in Japan, which together supply about one-third of the electricity for the world's third-largest economy. Plus, it owns and operates eleven LNG receiving terminals in Japan, about thirty percent of the country's LNG storage capacity, nearly eleven gigawatts of generation capacity outside of Japan, nineteen LNG shipping carriers, and more.
As JERA aims to play an even larger role in the global energy transition, it's investing on several fronts all at once. So not surprisingly, the company's Global Chief Information and Digital Officer and his team are innovating with a powerful platform to process and analyze data across continents, systems, and devices. He sat down with the PUF team to explain JERA's interoperability project, its goals, and accomplishments to date. Joined in our interview by the leader of a partner firm, read on to catch a glimpse of what's going on at one side of the Pacific Ocean, and soon globally.