Decision Point: Electric Cooperatives Call for a More Resilient Future


La Plata Electric, Tri State G&T

Fortnightly Magazine - January 2023
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The clock is ticking as electric utilities see the pace of their clean-energy transition challenged by inflation, supply chain issues, and a prolonged federal decision-making process. In the west, several electric distribution cooperatives and their cooperative power supplier stand ready to increase power supply flexibility, reduce costs, and boost resiliency for more than a hundred thousand rural electric consumers.

Eight months ago, we filed a historic settlement agreement with the FERC that advances the needs of our members. The agreement is the result of years of work among Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association's forty-two utility members.

The agreement provides three of its members, including La Plata Electric Association (LPEA), the flexibility to obtain part of their power requirements from Tri-State, and part from other sources.

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