Large Public Power Council
John Di Stasio is President of the Large Public Power Council. Tom Falcone is CEO of the Long Island Power Authority. Dan Sullivan is CEO of the Grand River Dam Authority. Justin Driscoll is the CEO of the New York Power Authority. Debra Smith is the CEO of Seattle City Light. Jay Stowe is the CEO of the Jacksonville Electric Authority. Rich Wallen is the CEO of the Grant Public Utility District.
At the historic Harvard Club of New York City, the chief executives of seventeen of the largest public power utilities in the U.S. gathered in September to discuss their strategic and financial futures. The Large Public Power Council and S&P Global hosted the conference that was filled with leaders from the financial community, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Citi, etc., plus Public Utilities Fortnightly.
PUF managed to corral chief execs for two roundtables on where their utilities and public power generally are heading. In one of these roundtables, PUF moderated a conversation with Justin Driscoll, Debra Smith, Jay Stowe, and Rich Wallen. They lead the New York Power Authority, Seattle City Light, Jacksonville Electric Authority, and Grant Public Utility District respectively.
In the other roundtable, PUF moderated a conversation with John Di Stasio, Tom Falcone, and Dan Sullivan. Di Stasio leads the Large Public Power Council and before that led Sacramento Municipal Utility District. The latter two gentlemen lead the Long Island Power Authority and Grand River Dam Authority.
LPPC CEOs Roundtable 1
A roundtable with NYPA CEO Justin Driscoll, Seattle City Light CEO Debra Smith, JEA CEO Jay Stowe, Grant PUD CEO Rich Wallen.
PUF's Steve Mitnick: Rich, that was a great panel. Let's start with workforce and labor issues. What was your takeaway?