Lanny Nickell is COO of the Southwest Power Pool.
The PUF team spoke with some of the leaders of the Climate REsilience and ADaptation Initiative to harden systems for the more adverse environmental conditions ahead. Here in this special feature are conversations with the Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the COO of Southwest Power Pool, the General Secretary of Europe's electric industry association, and two leaders at EPRI.

PUF's Steve Mitnick: What is your role at Southwest Power Pool and what is a typical day like?
Lanny Nickell: My official title is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. I'm directly responsible for the company's performance of reliability and market operations, engineering, and information technology responsibilities.
SPP's mission statement is, working together to responsibly and economically keep the lights on today and in the future. As we work with other entities who have their own responsibilities, our most important job is doing what we can within our realm of responsibilities to keep the lights on across the SPP footprint.
There are other roles and responsibilities across the industry that we don't touch. For example, we're not responsible for the distribution system and how the distribution system operates, works, and is designed and planned for.