Lori Burkhart is Editor-in-Chief of Public Utilities Fortnightly.
Electrifying the economy. Developing low-carbon resources at scale. And now readying our electricity infrastructure for the climate changes coming, and upon us. The Electric Power Research Institute has long led the industry's technical advancements. Most often on technologies and processes critical to our society's well-being. In recent years, EPRI has taken on the biggest energy issues of our time.

It seemed natural when earlier this year, on the twenty-eighth of April, at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., EPRI CEO Arshad Mansoor, Southern Company EVP Stan Connally, Consolidated Edison SVP Leonard Singh, American Electric Power COO Lisa Barton, and Battelle EVP Mark Peters announced the Climate REsilience and ADaptation Initiative. Since that day, many Climate READi members have joined the thirteen founders: Alliant Energy, Ameren, American Electric Power, Consolidated Edison, Exelon, National Grid, New York Power Authority, Pacific Gas & Electric, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy, Southern California Edison, Southern Company, and WEC Energy Group.
The Public Utilities Fortnightly team had the opportunity to talk with some of the leaders of this three-step project to harden systems for the more adverse environmental conditions ahead. Here in this special feature are conversations for you to listen in on, with the Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the COO of Southwest Power Pool, the General Secretary of Europe's electric industry association, and two leaders at EPRI.
Climate REsilience and ADaptation Initiative conversations: